Mapping Project statement

1. Oh The Places I’ll Go…

2. The concept of my mapping project was to create a very personal literal map of my travels. It content of it is a “water color” map, and the context is in the key which is represented on the bottom in four different colors.

3. The research for this project was all in my memories. It was completely based on my past travels and hopeful future travels. Before I began I had many ideas about how I would represent my travels. It was not until I began crafting my map that it became what is seen in the final product.

4. My project required me to use the tracing pad to get an outline of the united states on illustrator. I then filled in the map with the watercolor tool. My plan was to erase outside on the map to get clean edges, and that was where I faced my biggest obstacle. I had to get very creative with various tools to clean up the edges of the map. If I did it differntly I would drop the title, or come up with a better suited one. I am most excited about the fact that it is so personal to me. Traveling the US is something that I think about a lot, so having a visual of it is very cool to me.

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